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Written by: Tochi Bedford
Rosemary holds a special place among herbs. It's loved for its delightful taste and cherished for the many ways it benefits our health. This herb has quite a remarkable history, and its popularity spans centuries. Beyond adding flavor to our dishes, rosemary has been known to contribute to our well-being in various ways. It's not just a simple herb; it's a symbol of remembrance, making it all the more special. So, whether you're seasoning your food or exploring its rich heritage, rosemary has much to offer, both in taste and its fascinating role in our health and history. Small Tip: To ensure rosemary seeds have the best chance of doing well, it's a good idea to begin growing them indoors. If you live in a place with a tropical climate like Singapore, you can grow rosemary all year round. But for those in other areas, because rosemary seeds take their time to sprout and grow, it's best to start them three to six months before the growing season begins. Rosemary often has a reputation for being tricky to grow from seeds. But the secret lies in giving these seeds a little push to help them start growing. There are easy ways to improve the chances of rosemary seeds sprouting. One simple way is to soak the seeds before planting. Just put the rosemary seeds in water and let them sit overnight. This helps get them ready to grow. Another useful method is called “cold stratification.” It means putting the seeds in a cold and damp place for about four weeks. This tricks the seeds into thinking it's time to sprout when you plant them. Another method for those who like to plan ahead is “winter sowing.” It's simple, but it does require some thinking ahead. With winter sowing, you plant rosemary seeds in containers outside during the winter months. After using the soaking or cold stratification methods, your rosemary seeds will be ready for planting. When it's time to plant, you can start rosemary seeds indoors about 10 to 12 weeks before the last expected frost in your area. But because it takes nearly a year for rosemary plants to fully grow, it's a good idea to start the seeds even earlier. This way, the seedlings will have more time to grow indoors before you move them to your garden once the last spring frost has passed. Using these methods to wake up the rosemary seeds and being patient as they grow, you can successfully grow this fragrant herb from seeds. And the joy of having your own rosemary plant will make your cooking even more flavorful.